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Beauty kit setup & practical makeup lesson

2 h
250 dollars canadiens
Rue Sainte-Catherine Ouest

Description du service

Let us help you figure out what you need to create and define your new look! We take the time to answer all your beauty questions and we show you which product to use as well as how to apply them to get the desired look. Learn how to do a beautiful complexion, eyeshadow placement, lip definition and even how to apply a fake beard depending on your needs. We will teach you techniques that are easy to reproduce at home. Lessons are adapted to your level of knowledge. Follow-up and support service by videoconference offered as needed.

Politique d'annulation

Toute annulation doit se faire au plus tard 24h avant l'heure du RDV // All cancellations must be submitted at least 24h before the appointment.


  • 1396 Rue Sainte-Catherine Ouest, Montréal, QC H3G 1P9, Canada

    + 1-514-660-5594

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